Picture this….gentle ocean waves crashing on a sandy beach. The sky over head turning a soft pink then orange then deep purple/pink as the sun slowly falls into the blue ocean. Good friends surround you at the table as you listen to the waves the sound of laughter brings you back to reality. As you turn back to the table with a smile a bottle of wine appears. A sauvignon blanc from New Zealand. How inspiring.
This was a night we recently had with friends in Kona Hawaii. We had arranged to attend a crab leg and prime rib buffet dinner on the beach at one of the resorts. Apparently, a kind word has gotten around to some of my friends that I know a little about wine. And seriously, I know very little but I do like to learn all the time. As you can also imagine if you have ever been to Hawaii you may notice it does tend to be a bit humid. Especially compared to the West Coast. Therefore, when they kindly asked me to pick a wine I was hesitant but chose a Sauvignon Blanc. Bright and refreshing. These can be tricky because people tend to love or hate it. I wasn’t feeling a Pinot Noir and I wasn’t really happy with the options. I knew most of the people at our table would eat crab and the one or two that might have prime rib were either not drinking wine or would have both the main dishes anyway. So I took a leap and chose the Sauvignon Blanc. This sounded like a good option for the night at hand.
Sauvignon Blanc can be created into different styles. Crisp, creamy, or grassy. I can tell you that these styles are not particular to a specific region. At one point California winemakers aged Sauvignon Blanc in oak barrels giving it a creamy texture. They also called it Fume Blanc. I have tried Sauvignon blanc from a few different regions; California, France, South Africa, and New Zealand. I am picky. I am not a fan of the herbal or grassy type. The few I have encountered from France have been more floral and citrus but soft in texture. The few I have tried from California can swing either direction, citrus or herbal. The one wine I did try from South Africa was too herbal for me. But I will continue to appreciate and find one I might enjoy from this area. These experiences will not prevent me from continuing to try from different regions or from the regions I have experienced because each winemaker has a different vision or idea. I have learned to make note of the labels I do like though. The Sauvignon Blanc we had in Hawaii was Babich Sauvignon Blanc from Marlborough New Zealand 2014. This will be one I take note of.
Wine Notes:
Nose: Floral, apple and melon with a hint of lemon
Taste: Tropical fruit, spice, gooseberry, hint of parsley
This wine was very bright but clean. I did not feel as though it was grassy or creamy but it was elegant and balanced. This is a good price point as well for those newbies like myself with Sauvignon Blanc. We enjoyed it so much we ended up purchasing a second bottle and skipped out on Cocktails!!